
Need purpose in your prayer life? Need to ask for prayer? Click here.

Finding Purpose in Prayer

Does your prayer life feel forced and lifeless? Check out this simple, but effective, prayer model that you can follow to pray for you and your family, your friends, co-workers, church and beyond!

The recommendation for this prayer model is to spend about 7-10 minutes a day. You can pray straight through or space each topic out and spend a minute or so each time. Whatever works for you! Of course, some people that we would call "prayer warriors" may wish to spend longer in prayer each day. We would encourage you to follow the Spirit's leading rather than our recommendation.

Pray for...

Yourself - During this prayer time we encourage you to focus on any personal issues, sin struggles or difficulties you need to bring to the Lord. Ask God for his guidance and healing in those areas. Of course, it is never bad to communicate to God our wishes, wants and desires.

Immediate Family - This is a perfect time to pray for those in your family that you are closest to. We recommend spending this time in prayer for those that you live with. If you live alone, consider praying for your parents and sibilings during this prayer time. It's also never a bad idea to pray for your future family. God hears those prayers and will honor them.

Extended Family - We encourage you to pray for your extended family during this prayer time. Aunts, uncles and cousins or whoever else comes to mind or God lays on your heart. Sometimes you will have a lot to pray about during this time and others will feel like there isn't much coming to mind, that is totally normal and okay.

Friends - It is important to pray for the friends that God has given us. Maybe we are praying for friends who live next door or friends who live across the globe. During this prayer time pray for the friends you have who are far from Jesus and those who may be struggling with an issue or facing a major life decision.

Church - If you are apart of a church family we encourage you to life them up in prayer every day! Pray for the pastor, the leadership, and for the minisitries that make up the church! You can never pray for God's church too much!

Work - God has called his people to work and it is important that we pray for the work we do and the people we work with! Pray that your employer would honor God and that your co-workers would know Christ! Pray that you would do meaningful work that would glorify God and grow His Kingdom!

State/Nation/World - I know that these topics can be difficult to pray for and can feel over whelming. If you pray nothing else, pray that your state, nation and the world would be able to hear the good news of Jesus Christ and that people would respond!

During this prayer time you could pray for missionaries around the world and even our missionaries that we support at HBC!

We hope that this prayer model would help you to deepen your prayer life and would help you connect with Christ in a more meaningful way. It is our goal to help each and every person to Grow in Faith, Find Real Community and Live With Purpose!

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